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作者:  来源:  发布时间:2020年12月10日 02:50  浏览次数:


张艳敏,副教授,2003年进入山东大学医学院组织学与胚胎学教研室工作。目前承担本科生、研究生及留学生的《组织学与胚胎学》、《医学形态学概述》、《人体结构与功能》、《形态学综合创新实验》、《细胞信号转导与疾病》(全英文)等课程的教学工作,承担国家自然基金、山东省自然基金、及中国博士后基金资助等多项课题。主要从事神经发育及相关疾病研究,在Stem cells、carcinogenesis, Journal of pineal research上发表多篇SCI论文。


1. Zhang Y(张艳敏), Guo O, Huo Y, Wang G, Man HY. Amyloid-β Induces AMPA Receptor Ubiquitination and Degradation in Primary Neurons and Human Brains of Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2018;62(4):1789-1801.

2. Liu Q, Wang L, Wang Z, Yang Y, Tian J, Liu G, Guan D, Cao X, Zhang Y*(张艳敏,通讯作者), Hao A. GRIM-19 opposes reprogramming of glioblastoma cell metabolism via HIF1α destabilization. Carcinogenesis. 2013 Aug;34(8):1728-36

3. Zhang Y(张艳敏), Liu Q, Wang F, Ling EA, Liu S, Wang L, Yang Y, Yao L, Chen X, Wang F, Shi W, Gao M, Hao A. Melatonin antagonizes hypoxia-mediated glioblastoma cell migration and invasion via inhibition of HIF-1α. J Pineal Res. 2013 Sep;55(2):121-30.

4. Zhang Y(张艳敏), Hao H, Zhao S, Liu Q, Yuan Q, Ni S, Wang F, Liu S, Wang L, Hao A.

Downregulation of GRIM-19 promotes growth and migration of human glioma cells. Cancer Sci. 2011 Nov;102(11):1991-9.

5. Zhang Y(张艳敏), Ni S, Huang B, Wang L, Zhang X, Li X, Wang H, Liu S, Hao A, Li X. Overexpression of SCLIP promotes growth and motility in glioblastoma cells Cancer Biol Ther. 2015;16(1):97-105.

6. Zhang Y(张艳敏), Du Z1, Zhuang Z2, Wang Y3, Wang F1, Liu S1, Wang H1, Feng H1, Li H1, Wang L1, Zhang X1, Hao A4. E804 induces growth arrest, differentiation and apoptosis of glioblastoma cells by blocking Stat3 signaling. J Neurooncol. 2015 Nov;125(2):265-75.

7. Wang H, Feng H, Zhang Y*(张艳敏,通讯作者) Resveratrol inhibits hypoxia-induced glioma cell migration and invasion by the p-STAT3/miR-34a axis.

Neoplasma. 2016;63(4):532-9.

8. Zhang Y(张艳敏), He K, Wang F, Li X, Liu D. Notch-1 signaling regulates astrocytic proliferation and activation after hypoxia exposure. Neurosci Lett. 2015 Aug 31;603:12-8.




版权所有:山东大学基础医学院组织学与胚胎学系  地址:山东省济南市文化西路44号